Sure, it's the first week of August and, fine, it's eleventy billion degrees out, but when I spied these early season end-caps at the local Dollar Tree, I caved. It's still too early to decorate in earnest, and I know I won't make it to October 1st if I start writing my Halloween articles this soon, so let's just consider this an appetizer of sorts. So without further ado, here are five Halloween decorations you can buy at the Dollar Tree right this very moment:

It's still slim pickings with most of the valuable real estate going to back to school merchandise and various summer sundries.

1. Glittery Ravens
There were plenty of rubber rats to choose from, but I found the ravens to be a bit more ominous and these little fellas were no exception, even if they are a bit sparkly. These are the perfect compliment to any mantle, bust of Poe, or Tippi Hedren costume.

2. Jack-o-Lantern Candle Holders
Looking for the perfect spooky accompaniment to your pumpkin pie scented tea lights? Then look no further because the Dollar Tree has got your back. These are actually one of my favorite cheap-o decorations because they are simplicity. And, really, what's not to like?

3. Flickering Candles
These are interesting because they don't come with an on/off switch. When you're tired of the creepy flickering flame, just unscrew the top so the batteries are no longer touching the contacts. It's rudimentary, but I guess it works. Though sometimes I think we'd be better off with a 2 Dollar Tree, where it's basically the same, but everything works just a little bit better. Though, on the plus side, these can easily be repurposed for Christmas.

4. Monster Masks
Color your own monster masks- these are fantastic because they are a cheap way to keep my 3 year old entertained. And her dad. Plus, they came with their own monster inspired markers.

My daughter was all over this. Though they may have worked a bit too well because she ended up wearing her mask for the rest of the night and got really disappointed when we told her we couldn't go trick or treating. I miss being able to get into that sort of head space, but it's neat reliving it vicariously through my kids.

5. Light up Jack-o-Lanters
These go great with those jack-o-lantern candle holders we were discussing earlier. Don't believe me:

Put these on a mantle with some ravens and creepy flickering candles and you've got yourself the makings of a holiday.
I was actually surprised just how much Halloween stuff the Dollar Tree had out already. Especially considering that school doesn't start for a couple more weeks in these parts. But who am I to complain? Even if it does make it harder to pace myself in order to ensure a good finish on October 31st.
As always, thanks for checking in and be sure to check back often as we enter the Halloween season. I've got some good articles in the works for this year and I'm excited to share them with all of you. And don't forget to check out the latest Stories to Read Alone at Night which are being updated fairly regularly over at storiestoreadaloneatnight.com
July 25, 2020
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